Duro Felguera | Cotización

Mining & Handling

Reference projects

Mining studies

CustomerLocationDateDescriptionType (*)
CARBOEX ENDESA, S.A.Ferrol Port. Galicia – SPAIN2001New Terminal for Imported CoalDFS
C.V.G. FERROMINERA ORINOCO, C.A.Ciudad Piar – VENEZUELA2002Friable Iron Ore Processing Plant and Materials Handling SystemDFS
C.V.G. FERROMINERA ORINOCO, C.A.Ciudad Piar – VENEZUELA2004Friable Iron Ore Processing Plant and Materials Handling SystemBE
ARCELOR MITTAL MINING SENEGAL, S.A.SENEGAL2008Front End Engineering and Design for Materials Handling System, Faléme Iron Ore ProjectFEED
C.V.G. FERROMINERA ORINOCO, C.A.Ciudad Piar – VENEZUELA2010Trade-off Study of the Integration between a New Hard Iron Ore Concentrator and the Friable Iron Ore Processing Plant ProjectTOS
TUROL TRADING (Sefos Senegal)SENEGAL2010Phosphates Processing PlantSS
BERKELEY / JACOBSSalamanca SPAIN2011Mining Domain Conceptual Basic Engineering Study U Salamanca ProjectDFS
PT. GEMA ENERGY INDONESIANusatenggara Timur -INDONESIA2012Scoping Study Process Plant MnPFS
BERKELEY / SENET Pty.Salamanca – SPAIN2013Uranium Ore PlantPFS

(*) Type:
BE: Basic Engineering / DFS: Definitive Feasibility Study / FEED: Front End Engineering & Design / PFS: Pre-Feasibility Study / SS: Scoping Study / TOS: Trade-Off Study