On Friday 5th May, two propane storage tanks were loaded onto a pontoon for Hellenic Petroleum (HELPE), in Greece. The tanks, manufactured in the workshop of Duro Felguera Calderería Pesada, have an approximate dimension of 50 m in length by 8 m in diameter and a transport weight of 550 t and were transferred on the barge from the dock of the workshop to the port of El Musel to begin their route from there to Greece.
After the installation in its final location, Duro Felguera Calderería Pesada will proceed to carry out the connection works with the plant’s network, scheduled for the first fortnight of June.
This operation coincided with the loading of the second bi-lobe LNG tank on the ship bound for the United States, which resulted in a day of intense activity in the DFCP workshops.

A very active day for DFCP at El Musel, which leaves us, as always, some spectacular images. Above, aerial view of the two operations; below left, the tanks for HELPE and, in the photo on the right, boarding of one of the bi-lobe tanks for LNG bound for the United States.